Library and Culture: A Scientometric Analysis and Visualization of Research Trends

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Auwalu Abdullahi Umar, Muneer Ahmad, Dr. M Sadik Batcha

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Published: 13 July 2020 | Article Type :


The significance of libraries in preserving and maintaining history and traditional culture cannot be overlooked. It is from this purpose that libraries are to envisage in their programmes cultural activities which must be collected, documented and preserved for posterity. The usefulness of preserved information lies in the fact that the generation to come will be able to establish their identity. This will also assist them with a foundation to build from. This study focus on the growth and development of Library and Culture research in forms of publications reflected in Web of Science database, during the span of 2010-2019. A total 890 publications were found and the highest 124 (13.93%) publications published in 2019.The analysis maps comprehensively the parameters of total output, growth of output, authorship, institution wise and country-level collaboration patterns, major contributors (individuals, top publication sources, institutions, and countries). It exposed that the most prolific author is Lo P secured first place by contributing 4 (0.45%) publications, followed by Bressan V 3 (0.34%) publications in Library and Culture literature. Journal of Academic Librarianship produced the highest number of records 29 (3.26%) followed by Australian Library Journal having contributed 21 (2.36%).It is identified the domination of Wuhan University; School Information Management had contributed 6 (0.67%) of total research output. Authors from USA published the highest number of publications with a total of 244 (27.42%), followed by UK and Australia with 118 (13.26%) and 76 (8.54%) publications were produced respectively.

Keywords: Library, Culture, Author Productivity, Histcite, VOSviewer, Mapping, Web of Science.

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Auwalu Abdullahi Umar, Muneer Ahmad, Dr. M Sadik Batcha. (2020-07-13). "Library and Culture: A Scientometric Analysis and Visualization of Research Trends." *Volume 2*, 2, 1-8